Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Things I've Learned In the Last 3 Decades...

First, two things to note: this is not an exhaustive list, and it is in no particular order.
  • Don't throw a birthday party for yourself at your own house. It's hard to enjoy the reason everyone came.
  • Exercising really does give you more energy.
  • Pop really does end up around your middle.
  • If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
  • Unless it's softball, and you're 8 years old. Don't keep trying. Stick with the piano lessons.
  • Give people a break. Whether it's the guy that just pulled out in front of you, or the "Pharisee" on the front row, or the "sinner" on the back row.
  • If you're going to sing or speak in front of people, don't apologize for something and say, "bear with me, everyone..."
  • When someone begins a comment with the words, "bless their heart", they're really just saying something that isn't nice in a way that makes them feel better. (example, "bless their heart, they just can't sing" or "bless their heart, their nose is soooo big")
  • There's something wonderful about the smell and taste of coffee in the morning.
  • Some people don't have room in their life for another friend. It's their loss not yours.
  • I will always have enough room for another friend (or an old one to come back around).
  • Although it's frustrating, love does find you and it doesn't need your help (unless you need a bath and that's just a whole different subject...).
  • Some days, Camden will be wonderfully obedient and take a nap for me and everything. Other days, he will defy me at every turn.
  • Camden chooses which day it will be.
  • Naps are a mother's best friend...
  • Nothing quite compares to hearing the word, "momma" directed at you.
  • Nothing quite compares to hearing the words, "I love you" from the one you love.
  • People change for the good too.
  • I cannot play any sport that involves a ball or other circular-like object.
  • If you're going to sing the National Anthem, just sing it. Don't add a bunch of stuff to it. Unless, of course, you're Whitney Houston.
  • I'm pretty sure you're not Whitney Houston.
  • Singing is good for you, body and soul, even if you're not good at it.
  • You can't sing if you don't have a certain amount of joy in your heart.

Okay, that's all for now. What's on your list?

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Red Leather Skirt

It's 5th grade. Popularity is now in full force at Roosa Elementary. Sadly, I didn't make the cut. I looked at a group of girls that once invited me to their slumber parties, but now wouldn't give me the time of day. Then, I began to figure it out (or so I thought). It's all in clothes. They were always decked out in their Units belts and Dexter shoes (hello, flashback!). I was always decked out in my Multiples belts (Dillard's knock-off) and Payless wanna-be's. But one day came, and I had it. My ticket into that little group that hung out in the hallway before class. My mom grabbed it off the sale rack--my new, red, leather skirt! I should mention here to think sweet, innocent red, leather skirt, not Pretty Woman red, leather skirt. Anyway, I distinctly recall showing up that day with a whole new confidence. I spotted the cool-girl circle and went for it. What I expected to happen was for them to turn and see me coming and immediately stand in awe of my gorgeous, expensive-looking outfit, and say something like, "Wow, Amy! You're so cool. Why don't you be popular like us!" However, the story went another direction. I walked up and I'm pretty sure they didn't even notice me for awhile. Then, I heard them talking about people I didn't know. I kept trying for a place to say something, but there just wasn't much I could say. A few of them gave me the look like, "Um, who are you and why are you here?" It hit me hard--the painful truth that my one outfit wasn't enough to get in with them. I turned to see my friend Sarah and couple of others (probably wondering, "what is she doing?") and decided that I liked them better anyway. And they liked me too, with or without the red, leather skirt.
I suppose the lesson is obvious. Be okay with who you are, right? But as I look back, there's a sense of pride in myself for going for it. This is what I read this morning in John 12: "But if you let it (your life) go, reckless in your love, you'll have it forever, real and eternal." Keyword: reckless. I struggle so often to put myself out there in my relationships. To walk up to that group of friends and join in like I should've already been there. Of course, it's not for the sake of popularity, but for showing them God's love. If I will just stay focused on the fact that my motivation isn't self-acceptance, the reckless part will come naturally. So, go for it! That family member, co-worker, neighbor, whomever, needs to know the love in your heart far more than you know.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lighten Up!

How many times have I had to decide whether I'll just go with the gut feeling and fall apart or take a few steps back and laugh? Too often, I've taken the former. Case and point: imagine a crock pot full of freshly made stew (minus two bowls' worth) sitting on the counter. I'm in another part of the house and hear the awful crash. I walk in the kitchen to find this

All I can think about is how much money just got splattered all over Camden and my kitchen. I was irate! All Ricky can think to do is laugh and grab the camera. Despite his efforts for me to join him in the hilarity of the moment, I just couldn't let it go. Gone were all the delicious meals I had coming to me! I had my heart set on it (yes, I know it's just stew, but I LOVE it). I finally managed to kick them out of the room and blow off steam while scrubbing up the mess. To my regret, I missed out on a good laugh.

On the flip side...This past Sunday, Ricky was out of town for a triathlon, and I was "single-mommin" it for the weekend. I was completely ready for church, all I had to do was change clothes. I had the boys ready to take a bath but when I reached down to plug the drain, force of habit took over, and I pulled the shower on instead. You guessed it, GUSH! All down the back of my head. "NNnnnoooooo!" That was my exact response. However, it was met with some positive energy that I think must have come straight from God knowing what I needed right at that moment! So while the kids played together in the tub, I stood at the sink and redid the 'do--the very blonde 'do. I found myself smiling and thinking of how that was just the dumbest thing I've done in awhile.

So, here's the deal. I wasted soooo much time and energy being frustrated and angry, not to mention I probably came down too hard on Camden, in story A. However, in story B, I had a much better time and I still managed to get to church on time (which was a miracle in and of itself!).

Take it from me (this is self-talk too), remember that just because a situation might warrant bad, or simply angry, behavior, it doesn't mean you have to go there. Besides, you'll enjoy yourself more (and everyone else for that matter) if you'll just let it go and lighten up.