Thursday, November 13, 2008!

So, one of the things that annoy more than anything else is unsolicited advice.  There are times where I come off as being a little unsure and, wham!  People will just come in and give me their two cents worth as if I've lived under a rock my whole life!  Unfortunately, I've caught myself in the act of doing that which I hate.  And today, I fear I'm about to do it again.  However, I am taking into consideration the fact that you have a choice to read this blog and I have decided to continue in handing out my two cents for the day...
For the last several months, I have been training for a half marathon.  This is a pretty big deal for me, as I am in no way athletic!  That said, it has given me some great time to be alone.  A couple of weeks ago, I had to do a long run and decided to give podcasts a whirl.  It was of a church planters wife who was speaking at the National New Church Conference.  Suffice it to say, I spent most of my run wiping tears instead of sweat from my face.  Since then, I have found myself working harder to make sure I get some of that alone time with God.  What I've discovered is something that has changed my whole perspective on a "daily devotional life".  I have always struggled with the feeling that "time with God" was sort of like punching in for work.  As a follower of Christ, as well as a pastor's wife, isn't it my responsibility to do so?  After all, "what's a relationship if you never communicate"?  I'm pretty sure I just made that statement last Sunday.  I don't think I've been at all alone in this mentality.  
So here's what I've learned and I want you to find for yourself:  stop going to God like you're going to work, and start going to Him like you're going to a restaurant.  No, not the kind where you come in and make a list of all the things you want and leave.  But it's more like a buffet.  And instead of taking your empty plate and choosing what you'd like, take your empty plate and hand it to your Waiter.  He'll make the perfect selection that will satisfy your every craving.  And you'll leave with a hunger to go back for more.  My friend, I sincerely hope that you will "taste and see that the Lord is good."  Go to Him and be fed.


Anonymous said...

good little sermon on the buffet. Are you a deacon's kid or a preacher's wife?
Good luck on the race tomorrow! Me & "THE BOY"S" will be rooting for you in front of the wood stove!!!!!!
Love ya'll

misty said...

so glad that you posted again - i was beginning to wonder if you left the blogging world!!!

running a half marathon - awesome! by yourself, with ricky? when?

AWESOME post - your post always get me thinking. thank you for that. i would like to know who's wife were you listening to? from what church?

Shanna said...

I cannot express the joy it gives me to see you fulfilling your heart's desire. I am so proud of you. Really. :)

Casey said...

Again, thanks for the tip for the podcasts. I do love them and am enjoying them! Hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

So good to hear from you cousin... It seems you know more about this blogging business. I just never have time to tinker with it. I'll have to give you a call soon and fill you in on BBBS and life in Alaska! I can relate more than you know to the BUSY life! Trust me when I say, "Seasons do come and go, but no one should be wearing shorts in the cold season, know what I mean. Prepare and keep yourselves relevant in your season. If your still wearing shorts and winter has come, either dress warmer or move where shorts are needed.
Good to hear from you,